Saturday, November 26, 2011


This is one of my all-time favorite movies...

... it approaches the subject of attraction on varying levels.

I tend to love people.

If folks treat me nice or say some kind words to me...

... I tend to do things for them.

Don't get me wrong...

... I have limits.

You don't get EVERYTHING from me.

It takes time.

Hours, days, weeks, in most cases... years.

I might get something immediately...

... but I don't always expect something back.

Being a female-bodied person that loves women...

... there is a common misconception:

Payback has to be "romantic".


Payback has to be thoughtful, respectful, and sentimental.

If you must get me something...

... be savvy enough to get me something THAT I LIKE.

If you don't know what that is, ask.

I do not expect you to be a mind reader...

... please don't expect me to be yours.

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