Yesterday, I spent a good portion of the meeting time I had explaining the difference between responsibility, empathy, and selfishness.
My problem is that I've grown to expect people to be selfish. Not in the "the world, she's mine (evil laugh)" sort of way. Moreso in the "I have no idea what I'm doing in life, so I'm going to push and bully people until I do."
When I started out in the work force when I was 14 years old, I knew nothing about people, places (other than my own), and how to work my way around either. I felt like a virtual blackhole of nothingness was my key to success. Maybe they'd take me innocent, I'd say, and then just let me be.
Well, what I found was that the world is full of rapist, robbers, and catty people. All of them are disguised in different ways. Think of the "to catch a predator" sort of way... most people in the nice jackets, clean-shaven, wanting to say "please" and "thank you" are the sort that get little kids and lock them up in rooms. I was scared of all of them.
And that fear, it taught me a valuable lesson... don't trust anyone more than you can throw them. And I'm small... which means I can't throw ANYONE.
Anywho, back to my story:
After explaining time and time again that people around here tend to be less likely to show some sort of simple compassion, I essentially had to break it down like this:
* Siblings: People who have siblings, especially ones that they have to take care of, know how to show empathy. They have to feel how their sibling must be feeling in order to understand what to do to take care of them. One step further - they now have to know how to take care of THEMSELVES in order to know how to take care of their sibling.
* Only children - People who have grown up fortunate enough to not really have to ever watch anyone in their whole entire young adult life have developed a Me-First attitude. Moreso of the extremer kind that screams "HEY YOU, YOU LOOK AT ME! DAMN IT! LOOK - AT - MEEE!"
I'd explain away that "Oh, this isn't every circumstance." or "Hey, some people grow up differently..." but I 'm REALLY tired of the bullsh*t surrounding people who are too selfish, immature, and just downright stupid about being too selfish. I know I repeated that... you have no idea how much selfishness attitude I've gotten lately.
Let's take in point the scenario when I ask for help. People think, "Hey, I wonder if *such and such* already asked *insert organization here." and then they ask me, right? No. They say, "Hey, Buttface... you shoulda checked *insert organization* (snicker, snicker, along with their stupid ass friends)". Yeah, that's high school. Doesn't STOP at high school.
So, why haven't I gone batsh*t crazy, stood on a tower, and just tried to blow up something? Maybe because I'm just angry enough to know that there are certain stupid people who keep their stupidness to their circle (thank god) and that some day, those same stupid people will have a baby, cousin, or little brother that will give them a RUN FOR THEIR MONEY. Why? Because I've seen it happen time and time again in my life. I've just got ONE MORE PERSON that I'd LOVE to see smacked the sh*t out of that is a relative... you know who you are.
So, where does this lead me all to? Just to say that people are stupid, have no responsibility, and getting stupider year by year (there are studies on that one). The internet phase has come and gone. And now, people are - more than ever - hiding behind their glass-encased ceilings of hierarchy and solitude, just waiting for some dumb sleuth to try to find their way into their little pristine cage.
All that said, I'm really tired of dealing with these people. The only thing I can do is surround myself with love (namely my bun and certain people) and just hope/pray that they (whoever they are) will come to their senses and stop acting like a stupid b*tch.
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