Saturday, June 9, 2012


I was just here, today:

But, that's not where I stayed.

I stayed in the much-less luxurious Extended Stay Suites in Nashville... near the airport.

Let's back up... why was I there?

I was here for the official Star Trek convention in Nashville.

This hotel... has... EVERYTHING (as you may see in the video).

I'm trying to explain what it is, and what it has, but I don't even know where to begin.

The best I can do is just tell you this: There was a whole village inside of this hotel.

Yes... a village.

And right next door, the Opry Mills mall.

If you're familiar with the Mills malls, then you know how ginormous they are.

I'm almost surprised that they didn't attach the two together to make one humongo structure that has efficiency smart cars just to get you from the Nike store to your hotel room.

I kind of already felt bad about the cigarette-burned carpet and semi-working toilet in my hotel room... this made me feel even worse.

I felt like I might as well don ripped jeans, unkempt hair, and maybe a stretched-out t-shirt that seemed to barely cover my mid-drift.

The two hotels were like night and day.

Mine: The seedy gross hotel with guys sitting out front drinking beer in lawn chairs.

Theirs: The marvelously carpeted gargantuan structure that contained every type of store you can think of... and then an equally gargantuan mall for anything that they forgot.

Something else I learned: Nashville is comprable to LA.

If you want a decent hotel room, you better plan to shell out, at least, $150 per night.

Silly me... I thought I could get away with a 3-night weekend trip for only $300.

I've spent about $40 just on parking at this behemoth, alone, if that gives you a gist of general cost.

The good thing is: That hotel has EVERYTHING... and I barely ever thought about leaving.

I guess that's what you're paying for: A Complete Experience.

My suggestion: Please go there, but take a shuttle.

Stay IN the hotel... heck, you can WALK to the mills mall if you REALLY need something else.

Enjoy that hotel... enjoy the heck out it!

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