American Psycho Business Cards by ContrarianProfits
And then, it changed.
It became less about people and more about things. I needed to obtain a goal and be steadfast with it.
I still yearn for that perfect business card... a symbol that fulfills me, represents me, and makes me feel like the utmost professional.
However, I think I've faltered in one tiny bit - relationships. The personal kind.
I want to be real, though. I'd want the evidence of proof right there in front of everyone. Kind of in a Dr. Manhattan sort of being-ness. I think he was the perfect example of what I want to be like when I grow up.
Of course, I'd like to have a bit better attitude. And if you're reading the comics, he can be something of an asshole... but that is, of course, because he's detached - from everything and everywhere. It's like his mind is an entire state of being of its own.
I do not know one serious person that would turn down a handful of cash. As long as there are no strings attached, cash money is the ruler of all.
Think about it. If you're in the grocery store, clothing store, or even in a garage parking lot, no one refuses your money. They don't do much other that just check it for authenticity. Other than that, there is no judgement, a complete avoidance of the awkward stares as the people behind you wait anxiously to see if you can even afford that pair of cargo pants that you slapped on the cashier's desk.
You walk differently when you have money. People see the pride in you... if you want, you can buy that random sandwich just because you're hungry. You don't stress to count the pennies as you figure out if you should get it with or without chips. And a drink.
I also want one of these:
Of all my goals, this one seems the most attainable, right now. I could go out the country. I could visit other cultures and take a damn break from the hectic-ness that has become my life.
My only barrier? Language. I speak English. And goodness forgive me because my Spanish teacher tried really hard to knock that Latin vernacular into my head.
I've never said that I wasn't a weird child, growing up.
That continent always fascinated me. I heard tales about the water spinning in a different direction down the drain, how giant kangaroos were considered like rodents. Between the plentiful koalas and extremely different seasons than the western hemisphere, I figured that I could escape there when the winters here got too harsh.
Will I make my goals? Probably. Knowing me, the ones that seem the least out of reach will be the first ones to be achieved. In the meanwhile, I'll just hope.
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