Saturday, August 11, 2012


Ahhh... apathy:

I really do think people have no idea of it's true definition.

Let's start with Webster, Merriam-Webster, to be exact:

ap * a * thy:

- Origin: Greek apatheia, from apathēs without feeling, from a- + pathos emotion

- Definition 1: lack of feeling or emotion

- Defintion 2: lack of interest or concern

- Synonyms: affectlessness, emotionlessness, impassiveness, impassivity, insensibility, numbness, phlegm

It's election season, and many people are out to fight for their beliefs.

But, from the consensus of "I hate them because... and you should, too." grows a tiring concern.

People are overwhelmed with being told and jerked around with how they "should feel."

As a result, they are becoming numb to it...

... emotionless...

... apathetic.

So, what's a politician to do when the most important race of the last 4 years is upon them?

What do we do to keep people "interested"?

I think at last count, the general public gives about... what... like 5 seconds to catch a person's attention?

Basically, if I didn't insert a video clip into this blog, you wouldn't even be reading it.

Or, if the first line didn't catch your attention.

Or, the title.

Or, the background color, font styling, and web design.

Someone once told me that many people will always read a text message...

... but, they wouldn't answer a phone call.

What does that have to do with apathy? Plenty.

Well, if you don't answer a call, it's not because you're expecting something good.

You're inundated with "bad news"... people call to relay something extremely emotional...

... and they want YOU to have that emotion, too.

A text message is brief... it often only contains a sliver of what other people feel.

You can extrapolate only based on the person's attitude from meeting you, previously.

That's right...

... I'm saying that you can ONLY get an EMOTION from a text when you have already MET someone, in PERSON.

(CAPS are for a reason, in this case... haha... case... anyway)

On a related note, I got a good diagnosis from my doctor.

His chief physician said that I'm getting better... and that PTSD, OCD, and a slew of other abbreviations are no longer in the danger-zone of concern.

Woah, woah... you're thinking "danger-zone"... that means "be scared, right?!"

No, that means that instead of getting worse, I'm getting better.


It means I'm no longer getting "more bad" with my symptoms... that they're starting to dissipate..

... I'm basically starting to make more healthy decisions about the people in my life.

And, more importantly, starting to see them for who they REALLY are.

One man said that, "The Devil will not come in fire and brimstone, he will come like a sheep, your best friend, or the nicest person you know..."

"... What's important is to look at the action of the others around him. Determine how they feel around him to determine his true nature."

Don't ask me who said that because I frankly don't know and I don't care if you want to dismiss it because I can't remember a frickin' name... then just stop reading this blog.

Stepping back and taking a breath, I just want to say, in addition to all these things...

... all these new, apathetic discoveries, I'm beginning to see myself in a different light.

I always determined my good-guy/bad-guyness from what others interpretted.

I am now beginning to see that people are just sheer a-holes and don't know how to control their feelings.

Do I mean "EVERYONE?!"

Yes, sure... I mean the little two-month old.

Look, I'm being sarcastic, and if you can't take that, then again, you should stop reading the frickin' blog.

Stepping back again... yes, I say things in accordance to how people truly are. And in my hope of hopes, I try to see the best in people.

But teenagers, early twentiers, and some mid-life-crisisers are, right now as we speak, being complete and total a-holes for the sake of being apathetic.

And maybe it's all this money, maybe it's the media, maybe it's their mother...

... heck, maybe it's the cashier at the grocery store...

... but in any case, you have the right to CHOOSE to be an a-hole based off of your experiences.

And me, well...

... I choose the road less traveled.

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